Thursday, July 2, 2009

Truth from the first wife

My name is Cindy and I'm Josh's 1st x-wife. Being the first x-wife I know more about Josh then his other wives, girlfriend or other little things (what ever he's calling them today), because I was the first x-wife I know a lot about Josh and the way that he thinks and would like people to think about him. I have been here from the beginning and know everything there is to know about. Josh was very open and honest with me in the way I know that he has never been with anyone.

Lately there has been a lot said about Josh and his connection with Vianna. I would like to tell you all that Josh is his own person and responsible for his own actions. Josh really doesn't care about anyone, but himself i.e.

What can Josh get out of this?

How can Josh get out of taking care of this?

And lots more go through Josh's head.

Josh has made himself who he is; no one else is responsible for Josh's actions, but Josh. Josh knows that his mother has raised him better then that. If you sit down and talk to him about growing up, he knows that his parents didn't raise him to walk out on his kids, wife or family the way that he has. Harry always has been there for his kids. Harry made sure to be there for all the holidays that he could. Vianna has been there for him also, she has also been there for the grandchildren. Vianna is always the first to lend a helping hand. I know for a fact that Vianna has tried to see all of her grandchildren and help the mother's support them when Josh hasn't. When ever I have need anything for my son and haven't gotten child support Vianna has been there to help me and my son. I know that she is that way with all her grandchildren. Vianna will help in away possible. All she asks is to be able to spend sometime with her grandchildren. I have asked Vianna, Bobbie and Brandi that when my son is with them that Josh has nothing to do with him. They have made sure that this happens.
Because Josh is the way he is my son wants nothing to do with him, but he wants everything to do with Vianna, Guy, Bobbie, Brandi and the rest of the family.
Please remember that Josh has to be held responsible for what he has done, not anyone else. He has been an adult for over 11 years now. What he does is on his shoulders, he has made the choices that he has, no matter how much his family has tried to get him to do the right thing. Josh will be Josh, but that is not the son that Vianna has raised him to be. I know that his other x-wives have tried to hold Vianna accountable for Josh's actions, as I have stated before Josh is an adult and he has made these choices not Vianna.
Vianna has cried many times over that Josh has done to his kids, wives and family. She can not understand why Josh has done the things that he has done. She has begged him to do right by his kids and x-wives.
Vianna will help her grandchildren and Josh's x-wives in anyone she can.
I was dating Josh at the time that Vianna had cancer. I watched her go through that healing process. I watched Josh take care of her through it also. I remember the day that Josh called and told him that she had cured herself. Josh was so happy that his mother had cured herself and that he wouldn't have to live with out her.
You can be cured if you believe that you can be healed. Vianna has healed me and my son a lot; I don't know what to do without her.